The world's leading trade fair analytica has been an industry meeting point for pioneering laboratory technology for industry and research for five decades. Get to know about latest trends of JEOL while visiting analytica– seminars, live demos and expert talks included! Visit us at stand A212, in Hall 2. We would be happy to send you a guest ticket. Looking forward to 4 exciting days all about laboratory technology and trends in Munich!
Convince yourself of the excellent imaging and high usability of our scanning electron microscopes and test our IT210 from April 9th to 12th live at the stand! Drop by spontaneously from Tuesday to Friday or book your personal demo slot easily using our calendar function https://calendly.com/jeol-academy/free-sem-speed-demo?month=2024-04
You are also welcome to bring your own sample and find out how JEOL can provide you with the best possible support in the area of sample preparation. We are at your disposal in Hall A2, Stand 212.
What else awaits you? Our keynote speeches and seminars on the topic of mass spectroscopy:
Tuesday, April 9th, 14.00-14.20 @JEOL stand, Hall 2, 212: “A new Era of Mass Spectroscopy” (Yoshihisa Ueda, JEOL) – With JEOL’s AI, detecting unknown chemical components becomes much easier and more reliable!
Wednesday, April 10th, 12:00-1:00 p.m. @ Hall A1, Conference Room A11 “MS Couplings – An Overview” (Dr. Schöneich, Netzsch) & “GC-Single Quadrupole MS and GC-High Resolution Time-of-Flight MS system coupled with NETZSCH TG/DTAS system” (Yoshihisa Ueda, JEOL) – Experience the advantages of the combined system!
If you still need a ticket for analytica, just send a short message to training@jeol.de and we will send you a voucher for a guest ticket.
See you at analytica. See you soon!