
JOIN! MS Coupling Seminar with Netzsch, April 10th, 12.00, Hall A1, analytica Munich


We would like to invite you to our Live Seminar on MS Couplings, held during analytica, conference room A1.11

Our Agenda for Wednesday, April 10th, 12:00-1:00 p.m. @analytica, Hall A1, Conference Room 11

12.00 - 12.30: MS Couplings – An Overview (Dr. Schöneich, Netzsch)
12.30 - 13.00 GC-Single Quadrupole MS and GC-High Resolution Time-of-Flight MS system coupled with NETZSCH TG/DTAS system (Yoshihisa Ueda, JEOL)

Get to know about the benefits and its applications of the combined system. Our experts are looking forward to talking to you, during and after the sessions. Feel free to join!

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