Electron Beam Lithography

JEOL JBX-8100FS Series Electron Beam Lithography System


JEOL JBX-8100FS Series Electron Beam Lithography System

When designing the new JBX-8100F, we took a completely new approach in terms of design and performance. By building on our proven lithography system, we created the JBX-8100F from the ground up. This allowed us to implement changes on a scale which would not be possible by incremental changes. While the new exterior design with its reduced footprint might be most striking at first glance, it's the changes within the system what truly constitute a leap forward. By using non-standard parts, we increased the freedom for our engineering team to design tailor made parts with higher performance.

The results is a truly innovative lithography system with a modular design, a reduced footprint and power consumption as well as the world highest scanning speed for even the most challenging applications.

In short, the new JBX-8100FS is quite simply the most innovative lithography system we have ever built.


  1. Small footprint
    Reducing the instrument's footprint to 4.9 m (W) x 3.7 m (D) x 2.6 m (H) helps to conserve valuable clean room space.

  2. Low power consumption
    The power consumption has been reduced by over 30%.

  3. High throughput
    By minimizing the idle time during exposure and increasing the maximum scanning speed to 125 MHz and by employing two new exposure modes, allows patterning from ultra fine structures to mid size production.

  4. Modularity
    The JBX-8100FS is available in 2 versions: G1 (entry model) and G2 (full option model). Optional accessories can be added to the G1 model as needed.

  5. New Functions
    An optical microscope is available to enable examination of patterns on the sample without exposing resist to light.

  6. Laser positioning resolution
    The new ultra-high precision stage measures and controls the position of the stage at increments of up to 0.15 nm.

  7. System control
    Versatile Linux® operating system combined with a new graphic user interface provides ease in operation. The data preparation program supports both Linux® and Windows®.

    Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
    Linux® is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries.


Version G1 (Entry model) G2 (Full option model)

Writing method

Spot beam, vector scan, step and repeat.

Acceleration voltage

100 kV

100 kV / 50 kV

Beam current

5 × 10-12 ~ 2 × 10-7 A

Field size

Maximum 1,000 μm × 1,000 μm

Maximum 2,000 μm × 2,000 μm

Scanning speed

Maximum 125 MHz

Stage movable area

190 mm × 170 mm

Overlay accuracy


Stitching accuracy


Electric requirements (Normal)


Substrate size

Maximum 200mmΦ wafer
6 inch mask blanks
Small sample of any size

Substrate transfer

Single auto loader

12 cassettes auto loader

Major installable Options

Optical microscope
25 kV high voltage program
Data preparation program additional license
High resolution laser beam control system

Please note:

Subject to technical changes; errors excepted. All brand names that appear in the text are registered trademarks of the manufacturers.

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